seedings – issue four Fall 2017

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Alejandra Pizarnik, Selected Prose (tr. Cole Heinowitz)
Danzangiin Nyamsüren, Seven Poems (tr. Simon Wickhamsmith)
Pam Rehm, Three Poems
Nazim Hikmet, An Ordinary Day (tr. Murat Nemet-Nejat)
Jerome Rothenberg, from “Further Autovariations” Reminders of a Vanished Earth
Aboriginal Song Poems (gathered by Robert Wood)
Bronka Nowicka, Four Poems (tr. Katarzyna Szuster)
Luljeta Lleshanaku, Three Poems (tr. Ani Gjika)
René Char, Older Impressions (tr. Stuart Kendall)
Dale Smith, Four Poems
Philip Lamantia, Testament of the Inter-voice
Hiromi Ito, The Thorn-Puller: New Tales of the Jizō Statue at Sugamo (tr. Jeff rey Angles)
Goro Takano, Two Poems
Genya Turovskaya, Three Poems
Valgerður Þóroddsdóttir, from Wh at Once Was Forest (tr. K.T. Billey)
Clayton Eshleman, Interview with Irakli Qolbaia
Hezy Leskly, from Zombie Memories ( tr. Adriana X. Jacobs)
James Clifford, Visiting (Gustaf Sobin)
Gérard de Nerval, from The Visionaries (Les Illuminés) (tr. Peter Valente)
Joseph Donahue, The Master of Disaster
Przemyslaw Owczarek, Five Poems (tr. Mark Tardi)
Carmen Vascones, Four Poems (tr. Alexis Levitin)
Sandra Moussempès, from Sunny Girls (tr. Eléna Rivera, Sandra Moussempès and Hadley Sorsby Jones)
Gyrðir Elíasson, from No Lemonwood Grows Here (tr. Meg Matich )
Salgado Maranhão, Four Poems (tr. Alexis Levitin)
Jeannine M. Pitas, Four Poems
Sergio Chejfec, from Baroni, A Journey (tr. Margaret Carson)
Matt Turner, Housing
Jorge Martillo, Two Poems (tr. Alexis Levitin and Fernando Iturburu)
Jesus Maya, Four Poems (tr. Jeannine M. Pitas)
Murat Nemet-Nejat, from Io’s SonG (Section V)
Roberto Piva, Open Your Eyes and Say Ah! (tr. Chris Daniels)
André Breton, Two Interviews with André Parinaud (tr. Mark Polizzotti)
Notes & Reviews